

인서비1 2012. 10. 19. 20:42




Dive robbers by Jean Tresfon

For five days, Tresfon had been trying to photograph the feeding frenzy that develops when sardines and herrings migrate off South Africa's coast. His luck finally changed in clear water a few miles off Port St Johns. 'Activity was intense, with dolphins herding the fish into a ball from below, while Cape gannets rained down from above. I couldn't wait to get in the water.' Gannets were plunging down several metres at great speed, catching and swallowing several fish in a dive. In contrast, Cape cormorants diving from the surface were much less successful. But what they lacked in fishing skill they made up for with thievery. 'In this picture,' says Tresfon, 'the gannet is desperately trying to swallow a herring as a gang of cormorants gives chase'
Photograph: Jean Tresfon/Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2012

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